Is it even possible to eat healthy on a college budget? When you have to catch up with friends? When syllabi are thrown at you from every direction? We’ve got the scoop, and we’re not talking about that ice cream you will soon grow to crave nightly.
Let’s start with the basics: Organic organic organic. Organic food production limits your exposure to harmful pesticides and boosts the nutritional quality of your food, not to mention improvements to soil and water quality that sustain healthy farming practices for the future. Go organic and you’ll be investing in your personal health, the health of others (animals and plants!), and the health of the planet. Read up on our site to learn more great info.
Another tip: Buy in bulk. Get more bang for your buck, save on packaging (or think ahead and bring your own containers!), and enjoy the freshest ingredients your local supermarket has to offer. If you’re sharing with a couple roommates or friends, the more the merrier! As if you need more convincing, check out our tips.
Do you dream of the perfectly-styled, mouth-watering, rainbow-colored smoothies and acai bowls that pop up on your Instagram feed? Make it yourself! Just mix Sambazon’s acai (aka purple love aka superfood aka perfection) with banana and juice or milk of choice in the blender. Add in greens or cacao or plant protein, if you desire. Top with delicious, nutty, protein and omega-packed hemp seeds from Nutiva, seeds, nuts, berries, dried fruit, coconut, nut butter, the works for an extra boost of nutrition and beauty! There's much more #foodporn inspiration on my Instagram @ErinSchrode, should you so desire!
When running late for class (because let’s be real, who isn’t?), what are you reaching for to start the day? How about a Clif Bar? Ethical sourced, organic ingredients help power you with proper nutrition. And you don’t have to feel bad chowing down on mint chocolate or peanut butter in the AM!
Find yourself buzzing late at night from excess coffee consumption throughout the day? Can you imagine if you found an alternative that had the strength of coffee, health benefits of tea and euphoria of chocolate? Lucky for you, that happens to be the claim to fame and superpower of Guayaki Yerba Maté. Whether in a bottle, can (fizzy or flat), tea bag or lease leaf, it’s all sustainably sourced from deep in the Amazon rainforest with organic, fair trade, regenerative practices.
We’re sure you’ve heard of Patagonia, and may even own one of their famous fleeces, but did you know the pioneer company is diving into the food industry with Patagonia Provisions? It’s all super sustainable and ready-to-eat in your bedroom or on the top of a mountain!
It’s the end of the day and you absolutely need a snack before bed. We get it. Annie’s and RW Garcia do too. For decades, these companies have been making healthy, delicious, crunchy, chewy, you-name-it foods with an unwavering commitment to non-GMO. Whether you reach for the little bag or the big one, eat every crumb or only nibble, it’ll hit the spot. And we have zero judgement. Life is stressful, after all.