How do you define intersectionality? 💭 I love hearing what people have to say about movements and values, missions and organizing, justice and impact. Women, men, black, white, brown, Asian, Latino, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, LGBTQ, urban, rural… my talk brought out a fascinating cross section of a generation for rich, diverse, in-depth, open dialogue at Grand Valley State University in Michigan last night. Add your voice in the comments below! And commit to the work. #bethechange

I. Love. What. I. Do. 👥👫🙌🏾 What an unbelievable night speaking at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan… which did not stop until the wee hours as our extra-extended Q+A (hence my sitting down after the long travel day) turned into a late night vegan ice cream outing. I don't know if we're discussing school lunch revolutions, navigating environmental career paths, experiential education around the globe, movement intersectionality, or how to best fight the Muslim Ban in this very moment — but the in-depth conversation was passionate, diverse and incredibly meaningful for me and the dozens of students (including many sorority sisters!) who stayed late to ask, listen and engage hours after the proper event. The business of world-changing takes time and needs inspired, driven souls like those I had the privilege of meeting and sharing openly with tonight at my speech, hosted by Hillel International, Hillel at Grand Valley State University and an array of phenomenal student organizations. #dothework #bethechange

"How has Trump changed the landscape for your work?" 🗣📹 Ummm… in every single way imaginable, as a woman, as an ally, as a Jew, as an activist, as a human being. We're not backing down, we're not shutting up, we're not recoiling. We're recommitting daily, we're uniting, we're acting decisively across silos and demographics and industries. Our on camera interview at Grand Valley State University got heated after my speech on campus. And for good reason! #speakout #standup

I walked onto campus to find students passing out flyers for my talk tonight… a school that values sustainability, leadership, social justice and community. #bethechange #walkthetalk

Top o' the blustery morning to ya. ⏳ I love getting smoothies in my mason jar on campuses, so I can live #zerowaste AND teach it forward.