I feel that I do my best work when on the ground, that I best serve when face-to-face with students, that I best lead the resistance when in the trenches… and speaking at Yale University marked stop one on a 15-university cross country tour over the next two months.(So yes, I am very likely coming to a city near y-o-u, starting tomorrow in San Jose.)
I am grateful and energized to have the opportunity to share about activism, organizing and navigating the complex political and social landscape with tragic increased division, discrimination, and anti-Semitism – to inspire and mobilize young people to discover and activate passion for social impact and policy change.
When I speak at a school, I typically ask them to stack my day – to set up meetings with student organizations and leaders, because I am there FOR them, to be of service, to be inspired! My day at Yale began with a meeting with Students of Salaam, a brilliant initiative to connect, engage and empower refugees in New Haven. I did an in-depth interview with the Yale Daily News and then had “breakfast for dinner" with the Women's Leadership Initiative at Yale. The main event was a collaboration between with The Yale Politic, Slifka Center, and WLI – who switched it up by leading a moderated Q+A with me, followed by a rich back and forth with students in the audience. I am an open book and to have the opportunity to engage directly with my peers and the wisest minds of our generation is a true privilege.
We need all hands on deck, which becomes all the more apparent with each passing day. Are you in? Please say YES.