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Meet the Woman Who Could Be the Youngest Member of Congress


Robyn O'Brien and Ashley Koff MD are two remarkable women who I have long respected, both personally and professionally. I had the privilege to join the dynamic duo on their podcast Takeout with Ashley and Robyn to talk about being a citizen activist and my US congressional campaign. Be sure to check out Robyn O'Brien's site (her beautiful words are below!) and give the podcast a listen!

by Robyn O'Brien

Erin Schrode has done more in her first 25 years of life than a lot of people do in a lifetime. She and her mom founded a groundbreaking organization called Turning Green that has gone on to impact families around the country.

Since co-founding Turning Green in 2005, she has developed education and social action platforms to inspire, educate, and mobilize millions of students and the global public. Erin is also the eco correspondent for Fusion (ABC and Univision’s new joint venture). But that’s just the start. Erin has been featured in and tapped as an expert for the NY Times, Vanity Fair, ABC, CNN, Seventeen Magazine and various multimedia outlets. As The White House said, “Erin is a dynamic, passionate and ambitious young woman committed to creating big change everywhere she goes.”

But most importantly, she is a friend, and she has been for several years now. Wise beyond her years, you can’t say you have watched her “grow up,” as she has more wisdom in her than people twice her age. What has been fun as her friend is to watch her champion causes for a better planet. Our health is one of those causes. We won’t get far without it.

And now, from her hometown of Marin County, California to New York University to seventy nations around the globe, this innovative entrepreneur is on a lifelong journey to inspire people to action that ensures a just, safe, thriving world for future generations. Erin is running for Congress. You can follow her on Twitter @ErinSchrode #ErinForUs. And you can listen to our podcast, Take Out with Ashley and Robyn, and this inspiring interview with one of the most powerful game-changers of her generation and in our country. Please meet Erin Schrode

Make sure to read (and listen to) more of Robyn O'Brien!


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