"I hope Beto has got a shot.” "I voted, I posted to Facebook, I set up my own volunteer network.” "I would so like to see him dethrone Cruz.” "I am telling people on the street to vote for Beto.” "I am most definitely voting for Beto. How could I not?” "I am set. I got a vehicle. We get together, me and my neighbors across the street, and we will vote for Beto.”
Who wants to make calls for Beto O'Rourke with me right now?! Go to betofortexas.com/call, create a login, call the number, dial your pin and you'll be talking to Texas voters within seconds. Just read the script and click the buttons for however long you have. There is no excuse to NOT make calls when it is THIS easy (seriously, the #BetoForTexas team is leveraging technology in the best of ways), THIS important (there are only a few days to go before the critical midterm election) and THIS fun (I am having a ball, proud to contribute and hugely inspired).
Be a voter AND get out the vote for candidates in your communities, who share your values, and across districts where it matters most. We are all responsible for doing our part — so keep talking, keep calling, keep knocking, keep posting, keep volunteering, keep working, keep donating, keep voting!
I am inspired by excited Beto voters, especially those who have proudly voted early! A 49-year-old African American woman from Oak Cliff in South Dallas and I chatted with for a bit. "I voted, I posted to Facebook, I set up my own volunteer network, I promote him very heavily. I cannot stand Ted Cruz. Whenever I get a message from Beto, I post it. I'm all over Facebook with his pictures and his ads. I post to let people know he's on TV too!” Another young woman told me that she traveled back for this, "I just got back into town today to vote and I am doing ALL I CAN."
I often inquire about why people are voting for Beto. One woman became emotional, "Locally, I live right on the border so I have a lot friends who are DACA recipients right now.” Policy affects our daily lives — and we have the chance to shape it for the better by casting a vote with intention.
Not everyone can volunteer this time around, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t voting. "I can’t volunteer right now because of a physical disability, but I will in two years… after we WIN!” That is the enthusiasm we need in this final push before the elections. "I have a new great grandchild, but I do get on my phone and ask all of my friends to vote for Beto. I get on Facebook. I tell them to get out and vote! I am hoping we are close.” It takes a village!
Beto has provided us with hope, emerging as an unlikely, energetic, powerful force in Texas. "I hope Beto has got a shot. I would so like to see him dethrone Cruz. I've been telling as many people as will listen to me, but some will not. I'm in Texas, so there are only so many you can tell. But we must!”
People recognize that #WhenWeAllVote, we can lead our communities, nation and world in a better, more just, safe, healthy, sustainable, inclusive, humane, positive direction. Voters are making their voices heard loud and clear, "I am telling people on the street to vote for Beto. I surely voted for him, my husband did, gotta get my other two kids to do it too. They will. Oh yes, they will!” Another is proudly displaying her support for Beto to passersby, in addition to casting her ballot, "I am most definitely voting for Beto. How could I not? And I have his sign in front of my house."
Spanish and English speakers alike are going to the polls for Beto! "Estoy tratando de ir mañana!” One voter told me he is going to the polls tomorrow to ensure his vote is counted early. Another proud immigrant told me her plan, "Oh yes, I will vote. Today, they sent me a letter and said I could go to the fire department right here to vote. I am set. I got a vehicle. We get together, me and my neighbors across the street, and we will vote for Beto.”
Not everyone is delighted that I (and likely, many more!) am calling their house to get out the vote, but they still understand the importance of this election. "Can you please stop fucking calling my house? You have the wrong number…but yes, I voted. For Beto. Okay? Bye!” I’ll take it.
I made 41 calls in a short window this afternoon — and you can too! betofortexas.com/call is the place to go to start right now. I will be back at it later tonight. And tomorrow. And the next day. Because every moment counts leading up to the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 6.
I am a proud voter asking you to #BeAVoter AND get out the vote where it matters!