I am not Puerto Rican and I am not a chef. Why then have I spent the last seventy days leading #ChefsForPuertoRico, the island’s largest feeding operation? Because I am a human being, an American, a living breathing organism whose very survival depends upon the consumption of food and water – and because Hurricane Maria has left millions of people, citizens of the United States, without access to basic necessities.
The news cycle and political landscape are sheer madness, so I have chosen to focus on what I can do, where I can make a difference, who I can serve, how I can best contribute. And that has been as the proud COO of #ChefsForPuertoRico — feeding beautiful souls here in Puerto Rico, opening 22 kitchens across the island, hiring and working alongside the most remarkable local team imaginable, bringing my dear friend José Andrés’ vision to life, and cooking and serving over 3 million meals to date in the place I have come to call home.
More soon…
