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Have you voted? That is not a rhetorical question; I want an answer! 🗳 This country needs you. Drop a comment below: — Yes, I voted early in person or my ballot is signed, sealed and delivered to the mailbox — Not yet, but my specific plan to vote is xyz — No, because I am not eligible to vote in this election, but I’m mobilizing others to the polls — No, and I am prepared to defend myself like my life depends upon it, because that of so many do right here right now, because countless have died for our right to vote, and because millions would die to have that ability in the US and worldwide

Four years ago today (thank you, Instagram pop up memories), I was pounding the pavement with Chelsea Clinton for Hillary in Ohio, before heading to Standing Rock and then racing back to New York City to be on air for ABC News Election Night coverage. This year, my civic engagement looks a bit different, as do all of our lives. But don’t think for one millisecond that I’m not working and fighting and standing for democracy with every ounce of strength I possess.

Can I help you to flex your citizen muscle, exercise your rights, use your power, do your civic duty? It would be my truest honor! 🙋🏻‍♀️🗣🗳 I physically drove someone to the airport yesterday, after urging him to get a last minute flight home to a particularly consequential swing state, so that he could cast his vote, after his absentee ballot never arrived. I also wear my vote shoes, my vote necklace (thank you, Michelle 👑), my upcycled vote bracelet for whatever the visual reminders are worth — and am leading digital organizing, young voter activations and candidate trainings, plus doing GOTV with PGC, writing columns and text banking nightly.

No matter who you are or what you care about, this moment and your voice matter immensely in crafting the nation in which we wish to live today and tomorrow — and that we even have a safe space to exist, clean air to breathe, jobs to put a roof over our heads, food to support health, and a habitable Earth to raise our children! I proudly voted for Joe and Kamala, as well as local candidates and measures that directly affect our state and community. My ballot is officially in the mail, where I'm tracking it, and I am hoping and praying and here to help you do the same! #IAmAVoter #WhenWeAllVote


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